
thoughts on a variety of topics from nonduality, yoga, and meditation to business, leadership, and healthcare

Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

Aligning Incentives, Leveraging Data, and Lessons in Growth

As we double in size over the next year, maintaining alignment between individual and organizational goals will be more important than ever. By focusing on data-driven decisions, flexible compensation models, and continuous learning, we’re confident in our ability to grow sustainably and effectively.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

un-uniquely human

It's understandable to fear losing one's sense of uniqueness when abilities once deemed special become widely accessible. Knowledge work, too, will be transformed as large language models perform tasks with a few keystrokes. This shift is often perceived as a loss of humanity, but I see it differently.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

artificial intelligence: where to start (for beginners)

Most technological innovations target low-skill, low-wage workers. The AI revolution, however, is different—highly compensated, knowledge workers are in the crosshairs. If you think AI is just a novelty and won’t upend society, I beg you to reconsider.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

strategic initiatives: projects, projects, projects

As we navigate these numerous projects and initiatives, we must remember that our ultimate goal is to enhance the patient experience and create a better work environment for our team members. Every effort we undertake, from streamlining our intake process to improving data accuracy and reinforcing our foundational work, is geared toward making Advaita a more efficient, effective, and compassionate organization.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

finance + rcm: revenue basics

The universe will continue serving you the same riddle until you solve it. In my case, I’ve had extra helpings of “get your shit together or you’ll lose it all.” So now, the universe has my attention. I’m sure managerial finance is difficult in any business, but it’s especially challenging when you’re an in-network healthcare provider with a complex mix of services (especially if you’re paying top of market and expect lower provider utilization than other companies).

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

data + analytics: data-driven foundation, part 1

I think data gets a bad rap in behavioral health. Often when I talk to clinicians about AI, measurement-based care, and leveraging data to promote better outcomes, their eyes gloss over. They assume I want to turn people into robots, ignoring the importance of human connection. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

legal, compliance, and regulatory (build in public)

The next few months we are going to get our house in order. I’m approaching this foundational work as if we were preparing for due diligence to sell or we wanted to raise institutional money (neither of which are part of the plan).

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

the next pivot

Let me start by saying that modern healthcare has largely stripped humanity out of the vital work of many healthcare professionals. We must get back to doing what humans do best: building authentic, trusting relationships. To accomplish this, we must lean into technological innovation, not to replace the patient-provider relationship, but so that the relationship becomes the focal point

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

paradigm shift

Grinding and hustling is glorified just as expected in a consumption-based, capitalist society. Until recently, I was in the grips of this activity-based-self-worth pattern.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

Q3: psychological safety + conscious leadership

As a leadership team, we’re at a phase transition. Instead of spending most of our time creating clarity around our goals, to-do items, and developing systems, we will focus on the context of work, i.e., the culture.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson


When you value the inner monologue’s opinion the same as a four-year-old who believes in Santa explaining how presents are delivered on Christmas, you’ve reached the level of observation necessary to move to the next step…

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

a new perspective on asana

There has been a major shift in my relationship with asana (and meditation but that’s another story). I used to approach asana from a dualistic, linear perspective. Master asana to a certain extent and then begin working with pranayama and then finally, begin seated meditation.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

flow & obstruction

This sort of woo-woo language tends to trip up “serious” people, myself included. The profound simplicity of flow and obstruction can be challenging to grasp yet intuitively obvious.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

the insanity of a packed schedule (deconstructing the self)

If you want to wake up, you must see that a regimented schedule is another way the egoic self exerts the illusion of control. The ego (character) seeks to reinforce its existence and (I believe) that the notion of “time management” is one of the most pervasive traps out there.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

annihilation of self: memories, dreams, ambitions

I have no compulsion to learn and grow. Quite a statement coming from someone who has built an image around reading, intellectual pursuits, and spiritual growth. What appeared once as a ceaseless desire for improvement has vanished. What happened?

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

stepping out of character

In consensus reality, you are the main character in a play, with many other characters playing their roles. In the awakened state, it’s as if you were playing a character in a theatrical production, but you stepped out of character while everyone else maintained their fictional personas.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

the future of behavioral healthcare

I predict that the next generation of leading behavioral health organizations will be masters of four things: (1) creating community, (2) collecting, analyzing, and managing data, (3) addressing social determinants of health, and (4) reframing healthcare from the reduction of suffering to the maximization of flourishing.

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Tripp Johnson Tripp Johnson

indifference, equanimity, or part of the natural rhythm

I tend to fluctuate from high highs to low lows. When I’m up, I’m like the Energizer Bunny – I require little sleep and am physically and mentally engaged throughout the day. When I’m down, I’m entirely burnt out – I want to crawl under a rock; everything from getting out of bed to washing the dishes feels challenging.

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